Here is an image of Ertz (green) 2009, oil on canvas, 50x40cm - a painting I mentioned in a recent post. It seems to me that in my work everything moves in a dynamic circular manner...certain subjects and qualities surface or submerge at different times. Varied and contrasting aspects of my work co-exist in ever new combinations as these circles slowly turn. This is why linear or chronological interpretations of my work would not describe the development processes at all...
This painting entitled "Domingo" (2006) oil on linen, 125x105 was recently purchased by the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin. It is one of a number of paintings (ongoing) which suggest architectural elements, trees or plants and most importantly shadows.
Three little paintings of trees, s/t - 2009, 35x27.5cm, oil on cardboard mounted on canvas, s/t - 2009, 27x22cm, oil on canvas, s/t - 2009, 46x38cm, oil on linen.
The painting on the wall is a slightly older work that is being reworked. A sail-like form locked into the vertical bar on the right hand side of the painting. On closer viewing the sail becomes more organic and is perhaps part of a tree or shrub that has undergone topiary...then again the sail also appears to be light cast on the ground or against a wall maybe through an open door...I hope to post more images of this painting soon...
Listen carefully to this interview with Glenn Gould. It is one point he describes the music of Webern almost in visual terms. The way he refers to structures and describes forms using adjectives such as flacid etc.... all this makes so much sense to me...
A friend commented that this painting owes something to Philip Guston...especially the earlier abstractions. What can I say...I remember looking at Guston when I was a student, and he did make a big impression on me, and still does of course. However, there is perhaps something more fragile and fragmented about this painting. What's more...I don't really consider it to be an abstraction in any ideological way...once again it is a painting which has its origins in the idea of a garden space or artificial landscape.
The figure form in this new larger painting has been "articulated" by painting what's around it, in the negative so to say. It suggests shadows too. A melancholy image of sorts yet I have tried to invest it with luminosity.It measures approximately 160x115cm, lacquer and oil paint (and holes) on wood support.
I spent Friday in Deba, a small town on the Basque coast (in the province of Guipúzcoa). There is a fine beach where one can sit and watch surfers riding the waves. Here are a few images I took around the town...